The Intended Parent Blog

Egg Donor Testing Basics for Intended Parents

Egg Donor Testing Basics for Intended Parents

When you choose an egg donor she will need to visit your fertility clinic for screening. The screening and testing process for egg donors varies, and every clinic and reproductive endocrinologist (fertility doctor) has a different process for screening egg donors....

An Intended Mom’s Story

An Intended Mom’s Story

I’m an Idiot!       When I first started trying to get pregnant, I was hopeful and naïve. Even after a few months and no luck, I still decided it was a good idea to start telling people our intentions. What an idiot.       I started to feel...

How Old Should an Egg Donor Be?

How Old Should an Egg Donor Be?

A guest blog by an Egg Donor How old should my egg donor be? Fertility is different for every woman and starts to decline at different ages for each woman. Typically, around 38 we start to see a decrease in fertility. There is also a rise in risk for genetic...

Why do Egg Donors Need a Travel Companion?

Why do Egg Donors Need a Travel Companion?

  Traveling for egg donation can be lonely. Many Egg Donors will travel to the clinic the Intended Parents are using and that may be quite a distance. The process can be emotional and even scary at times and it’s good for the Egg Donor to have someone with her...

Leftovers. An Egg Donor Guest Post

Leftovers. An Egg Donor Guest Post

A guest blog by an Egg Donor What happens when someone donates eggs and they successfully develop into embryos? That’s the best news possible!! Your intended parents can now have the chance to grow and complete their families. Maybe they only want one baby or maybe...

Children’s Books About Egg Donation

Children’s Books About Egg Donation

You feel deep gratitude for your egg donor and the gift she has given your family. Whether you want a fun and age-appropriate way to share with your child how they came to be through egg donation, or you’d like to share about egg donation with other...

Could an Egg Donor Be the Answer?

Could an Egg Donor Be the Answer?

You always envisioned a little one with your eyes and your husband's smile... You’ve tried it all. You’ve taken the vitamins, had the acupuncture, popped little capsules full of herbs whose names you can’t pronounce. IUI hasn't resulted in success. And now, your...

Why I Choose Known Egg Donation

Why I Choose Known Egg Donation

An Anonymous Guest Post from a Known Egg Donor   Choosing to be a known egg donor was the best decision I could have made going into egg donation.   I got to meet all my IPs!   I’ve traveled for all my egg donation cycles and I see this as a huge...

How to Pay for Surrogacy and Egg Donation

How to Pay for Surrogacy and Egg Donation

Many Future Parents are concerned about the costs of becoming a parent through surrogacy. It’s an expensive process. There’s no secret about that. It can cost $60,000 - $100,000 or more to become a parent through surrogacy.   Why is Surrogacy and Egg Donation so...

The Problem With Egg Donor Databases

The Problem With Egg Donor Databases

Have you been looking for our online Egg Donor Database? Notice we don’t have one? We won’t either. We aren’t exactly fans of Egg Donation Databases.     We know most egg donation agencies have one. We know what we do is a little out of the norm. Client...

Single Father Gets Help From Known Egg Donor

Single Father Gets Help From Known Egg Donor

I wanted to be a dad my whole life.   Even when I was a child I knew that when I grew up I would like to have a family.   My own father loved spending time with my siblings and me. He was always up for going to the playground or teaching us something new...

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